Fresh Fruit Juice

How to Start a Fresh Fruit Juice Business? – New Business Plan

Entrepreneurs today are more socially aware. If you are one of them and genuinely want to contribute to society rather than only counting the profit, a good option can be to open a fresh fruit juice stall. With the rise in awareness about health amongst people, there has been a rise in preference for freshly squeezed juice, over juices made of unhealthy and artificial ingredients.

Because such products are not readily available in supermarkets, this kind of business has huge scope today and in the upcoming years. This venture can prove to be a very profitable deal also being socially rewarding and personally satisfying.

1. Fruit Juice –  Business Plan

There are many varieties of juices in the market. Deciding what would be your field of operation is the first and foremost step. Do you want to sell organic fruit juice? Or smoothies? Or just fresh fruits squeezed to make tasty and healthy juice? Whichever option you choose, in order to make it a successful venture there has to be a unique idea guiding it.

Write a business plan that includes details about your venture — expenses, profits, and possible losses (hey, it’s a business! You have to take everything into account), marketing and advertising strategies, competing businesses, information about fruit, and other related vendors.

2. Be Innovative

Do your research and create juice recipes for your business, including flavors that aren’t common. Experiment and make your own flavor of the juice. You can combine two fruits and a vegetable to make a completely unique health drink! A varied menu will give customers a reason to frequent your shop.

3. Plan Ahead

Buy appliances like juicers and related supplies, such as cups, napkins, and utensils in wholesale to save lots of money. Legally also, it is important to find out what permits you need to start a food business and get the necessary permits to avoid penalty. Remember, penalties can be very heavy on the pocket. Never underestimate the law of your country.

4. Sale Strategy

Look around for apt venues to sell your drink. Options include flea markets (which are really popular in cities like Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, and Kolkata), shopping fairs (people are always thirsty after shopping!), and the most popular one being the shopping mall food court booth.

As the business grows, you can also consider bottling your juice and sell it to the local supermarket or grocery store, restaurants, fitness centers, and local cafes. Your product will sell only if have an immense sales experience and are capable of advertising your juice in particular markets.

5. Marketing the Business

As mentioned above, advertising is very important in this business. People will attempt to try your juices only if you reach out to them. You can do so by distributing leaflets about the range of choices you offer. This can also enlist the health benefits of each of them.

Another way to market your business would be through social media. Let your friends know what you are doing by creating a Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ page. You can also start a descriptive and informative website on your product. Sending news releases to local magazines and papers, sponsoring an event to reach out to people can be a fun and warm way to advertise your product.

Tip: During the initial period, start introducing complementary glasses of juice to popularize your product. Happy Juicing!

Contact our Business consulting for more about How to Start a Fresh Fruit Juice Business.



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