How To Start a Chemical Laboratory Business?

How To Start a Chemical Laboratory Business – New Business Plan

Qualification: Degree or PhD. in chemistry/organic chemistry/Biotechnology

Financial backup: Government research grants are available.

Chemical Laboratory Overview

Did you ever wish you had your own scientific lab where you could create chemicals and compounds? Do you have a really good idea for a product and would like to sell it to a big company or develop it yourself? Do you want to get a dealership of chemical products and distribute it in the market? Starting a Chemical Laboratory Business could be your first step towards realizing these dreams. The first and foremost thing would be to establish personal contacts with people in the same business to gain insider knowledge.

Start it Small

A number of chemists own their own small chemical businesses. The small chemical businesses include custom synthesis of chemicals, product distribution, testing laboratories for chemicals, and formulation of a product. With the growth of biotechnology, and biochemistry applications of these sciences have evolved through the years to involve newer and better ways to promote disease-free products and to avoid those that may cause health problems. In bread, for example, potassium bromate used to be added years ago as a preservative. However, this agent was then discovered to cause cancer.

This was then replaced by genetically enhanced microorganisms that produced baking enzymes that not only helped strengthening dough but also led to the prolonged freshness of the food. This also helped in reduced carbon dioxide emissions in grain production and transportation. For the consumers, higher-quality bread was beginning to be provided that had a longer shelf life.

Similarly, in detergents, phosphates were earlier added as brightening and cleaning agents. Through the years, however, their use has been substituted by the production of biotech enzymes that have helped in the avoidance of water pollution. This has not only caused savings in energy but has also resulted in cleaner and brighter clothes for the consumer, with lower wash temperatures.

Experience / Skills

Experience required in the pharmaceutical industry, chemicals labs, R & D department of the chemical industry. Get a job at a chemical plant and see how it operates. Start by making a business plan. This will be the foundation of your business.  Striking out on your own in this field takes lots of courage and a bit of luck. You may consider getting dealership from chemical manufacturers and distributing it to the businesses which need them. Or you might want to open your own manufacturing plant or science lab. Now is the time to decide.

If you are opening your own lab, a good thing to do would be to hire a lab assistant who is in the same field and devise ways of the formulation. Do lots of research and come up with your idea of a product.  The most obvious startup costs would include the space for lab, raw materials required to formulate chemicals and compounds, and most importantly, the machinery and equipment required to formulate a particular product. Find our vendors for your supply of raw materials.

Plan your Marketing/Sales

Make a list of clients who would buy your products. They can be anyone from the food industry, paints and coating industry, farming industry, textile industry, cosmetics industry, or any other industry that would require synthetic chemicals for their products.  Once you have your product ready, make phone calls and identify your potential clients. Request for a meeting with them and showcase the merits of your products.

Create a brochure for your product/s and set competitive prices. Remember, customers, want affordable products of the best possible quality. The key to sell your products is to advertise effectively and maintain cordial relations with potential clients. Also, be prepared for challenges. You never know what request your client may place. Be open to creating new compounds.

Contact our Business consulting for more about How To Start a Chemical Laboratory Business.



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