Career Counseling

Career Counseling – Successful Business Ideas

Education is growing at a high pace in India. Both in schools and in higher studies there is not only enrollment at a higher rate but also there is a continuous struggle to score higher and better. The competition is growing at a very high rate. Career counseling plays a crucial role in guiding students towards the right paths amidst this competitive environment. And not everyone knows about the various possibilities of career growth.

Why a Career Counselor ?

Despite the availability of innumerable professional fields not all of them are being tapped because of lack of knowledge amongst students about the prospects in those fields.  At secondary and senior secondary stage students and parents are keen to know more about different fields but are in no position to make informed decision.

This is where an education counselor is required. They not only provide career paths but also elaborate on the whole career graph. Today, the services of an education counselor are needed by every student. A career as an education consultant can be lucrative in many respects as this business requires meager investments.

Research Thoroughly

The first requisite for a consultant in education field is to have wide knowledge about the prospects in different fields of education as well rudimentary knowledge of all the subjects. This can be attained only through extensive research. Also, doing a course in psychology can be extremely beneficial. It would help one to apprehensions and the mindset of both the students as well as their parents and hence would enable you find it easier to change preconceived notions. It is also important for a consultant to be in touch with ground realities in the job market. This would only help them to provide fact-based guidance.

A Good Salesman

To become a good education consultant you need to be a good salesman. In other words, one has to become an articulate person and must master the art of convincing people. One must also have good analytical skills to analyze and interpret developments in various education fields. Apart from all this one should be strong in networking.

Field Knowledge Is Important

Knowing the field and your competitors is also very important. Get in touch with other consultants to study how they function. You might have to go in disguise, as a relation of some student. Stepping in as an assistant of a consultant can be the best way out of learning the tricks of the trade.

Set Up An Office

Setting up an office isn’t much difficult. However, one should be particular that his office set up conveys a professional feel. PCs, books, fax machines, Xerox machines, printer, desks, cabinets, bookshelves etc are a must. One must also get business material ready before starting the business. This includes business cards, writing pad with logos, brochures to market your expertise. You must also have a professionally built website. Having social media presence such as in facebook and twitter is important to build your brand.

Marketing is Vital

To market yourself you need to arrange for seminars preferably at good places like hotels and halls. Promote yourself in order to get invitations from colleges and coaching centers to spread light over various other fields for students. Publish your books , You can book stalls in education fairs and book fairs to further your chances.

Though it doesn’t cost much to become an education consultant, but to create a niche in the market you need to strive hard and one continuously strive for it.

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